Friday, October 15, 2010

A RealSherlock in the making

Sitting at Bridgehead this evening, I noticed something a little...different.

Working on a hunch, I texted my friend:

RG: "Did Umi close or something?? There's all sorts of hippies in my coffeeshop today."

My friend, who lives near Umi Café, promptly confirmed that the worker collective-operated coffeeshop at Somerset and Percy had been "bought out" by the Korean restaurant next door. As of yet they haven't updated their website.

Be on the look out for drum circles as Umi's clientele disperses throughout the city. (That link courtesy of today being National Grouch Day)

In related news, Exile Infoshop also closed their permanent location recently, after a three-year run. They're still active, just without a physical space (which took a lot of their time, energy and money to keep open).

- RG>


robin said...

Is this for real Grouchy?

RealGrouchy said...

Confusing choice of words, Robin--it took me a while to notice the lowercase r in "real"!

Yes, I've since heard that the workers collective that started Umi sold it a while back, and the new owner of the business owed rent. The coffeeshop is apparently now being run directly by the building's landlord, who is likely to expand the neighbouring Korean restaurant into it. (Though it isn't closed, yet. Maybe it was on Friday, but it was open on Saturday.)

- RG>

Woodsy said...

It was open when I walked by tonight, and I noticed the change of management...